Ziui Chen Vance Courses

Oil Painting

This course focuses on the fundamentals of oil painting. Moving from basic problems of color rooted in observational painting to more self-directed research into paint handling before concluding with a summative final project, this course aims to give each student what they need to begin successfully making paints on their own. Canvases will be stretched, alternative grounds and supports will be introduced, paint mediums will be explored. When you complete the semester, you will be set up for either further study in the Painting program or in a good place to integrate painting into your creative practice in whatever area of art you’re majoring in.


This course focuses on the fundamentals of digital modeling, 3D priniting, and animation. Moving from basic problems of surface, shape, and sub-D methods to more self-directed work into haptics and utility of parts before concluding with a summative final project, this course aims to give each student what they need to begin successfully making digital concepts on their own.